
Facultas Financial LLC was founded in 2009 by David J. Stofflet. During the past 27 years in working in the financial services industry David has seen the unfortunate lack of education about money and finances. Every person should be fully aware of there financial picture and have a written plan for their income and investments. Unfortunately most people do not have a financial plan and many are stressed about there financial situation.

My greatest reward is to see growth and a life well lived. It inspires me. And hopefully that inspiration leads to a virtuous circle of me inspiring others. My stewardship inspiration comes from Luke 12:48, "Everyone to whom much is entrusted, much will be required."
How can I help you reach your life goals?

How is Facultas Financial LLC different from other areas of financial advice and planners?

When Facultas Financial is hired as an advisor over a client's investment wealth, we are entrusted with the privilege of helping our clients preserve and grow their assets. But at what cost? And to what end?

Our goal is to help clients make wise decisions with wealth to help them live lives full of joy and accomplishment. Some of the ends that clients have shared with us include:

• Investing more time in relationships with family and friends
• Travel the world for enjoyment and gain perspective
• Spend the maximum amount of time on a passion
• Have a financial plan that reduces stress and anxiety
• Help others in need financially and with time
• Focus on improving health and maximizing time on earth
• Be able to work at a profession that is enjoyable for as long as possible
• To save enough where working for money is optional

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Investment advisory services are offered through Fusion Capital Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. The firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. SEC registration is not an endorsement of the firm by the Commission and does not mean that the adviser has attained a specific level of skill or ability.